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  • We’re moving to Louisville. How do I enroll my child in St. Patrick?
    Welcome to Louisville! Whether you are brand new to our city or relocating back to be near family, we are confident you will find a second home here at St. Patrick. Our families consistently say “Community” is what they like best about St. Patrick. The East End has many beautiful rural neighborhoods filled with families for you to explore and St. Patrick sits tucked away in the middle of it all. It truly does contribute to why our community is so vibrant. We understand many of you want to find the right school first before picking a neighborhood which is why we value the opportunity to show you what makes us special and personally walk you through the admission process. The goal is to help make your transition to Louisville and finding the right school a little easier. When you are in town on a house and school finding trip our Director of Admissions, Mrs. Suzy Mackowiak, or Mrs. Tamara Barton, Preschool Director will be happy to provide a tour or answer your questions. To learn more about St. Patrick Catholic School and the admissions process please submit an Inquiry for the fastest response. Thank you for your interest in the St. Patrick Community. We look forward to connecting with you!
  • We’re not Catholic. How does that work?
    We happily welcome all families from any faith into our school. A Catholic education is an exceptional option for all students, and we appreciate that you see the value it provides for your child. Not being Catholic is not a limiting factor in your opportunities to participate in our entire school/church community. We welcome you to join us for mass or participate in any of our ministries. Families are encouraged to be active volunteers in our school. Maybe you have a Scout, an athlete, an actor or a budding scientist. Simply put, there are many many ways to be involved! We have a wonderful RCIA program for people who want to learn more about being Catholic and potentially choosing to initiate into the Catholic Church. This program begins in September and culminates on Easter weekend. Our base tuition rate is offered to our registered Catholic parishioners with an adjusted rate accordingly.
  • We’re Catholic and looking for a new parish to join. How do I become a member of St. Patrick Church?
    It’s easy! You can pick up a parish registration packet at the Welcome desk in the church gathering space or in the church office. You can request a packet be sent if you are out of town. The packet includes information about the many ministries and clubs you and your family can participate in. Just call the parish office at (502) 244-6083. St. Patrick is a fairly ‘new’ parish with generations sharing their faith. From baptisms and Sunday School to adult faith formation and the active seniors ‘Leprechaun’ group there is a place for every age! Simply complete the green Family Registration form and the parish Stewardship form (Time, Talent and Treasure) and return it to the church office. Once those forms are turned in to the parish office and you actively participate in the life of the parish you are considered a Registered Parishioner. St. Patrick hosts 4-5 New Parishioner Welcome events throughout the year. You will be contacted and invited to attend one to learn more about getting involved and being connected.
  • What does Kindergarten readiness mean?
    St. Patrick Catholic School staff administers the Gesell developmental screening for all incoming junior kindergarten, kindergarten, and 1st grade students before the start of the school year. Parents will be asked to schedule an appointment for the testing when students are pre-registered. The Gesell assessment does help to determine a child’s current developmental age level by measuring personal/social maturity, language skills and adaptive behavior. The Gesell Assessment does not determine IQ, learning differences, or a child’s social skills in a large group setting. Adaptive behavior reflects the area of development that includes cognitive thinking, memory, perception, and attention to task (putting knowledge into action). School readiness and placement decisions are based on multiple factors and after consultation with a variety of individuals including, but not limited to, parents, teachers, administrators, the school guidance counselor, and/or the learning support coordinator. It is recommended that students score at a developmental readiness level of 5.5 to start kindergarten. Parents will receive results in writing and if a question of school readiness for a child surfaces, parents will be asked to come in for a conference. Possible interventions, observations and alternatives may be discussed at this time.
  • What is Junior Kindergarten?
  • My child is gifted. Will they be challenged?
    Louisville Catholic schools do not have a Gifted and Talented Program. St. Patrick Catholic School implements the Archdiocese of Louisville Curriculum Framework for all subject areas. The framework is designed to be rigorous. St. Patrick students typically attend Catholic high schools and go on to excellent colleges and universities, and perform exceptionally well on standardized assessments and the High School Placement Test. Our faculty and staff care for the individual needs of each child, ensuring that pace and content are appropriate and on-level. It is a team effort to challenge our entire student body. In addition to regular classroom instruction, St. Patrick has over 25 extracurricular activities that enrich the total St. Patrick Catholic School experience. Academic teams and clubs include Quick Recall, Governor’s Cup, Geography Bee, Kentucky Youth Assembly, Kentucky United Nations Assembly, Chess, STEM, and more! We also have many students who qualify for DUKE TIP and an annual offering from regional Catholic schools entitled GATES. We encourage your questions about these offerings.
  • My child has a learning difference. Can you accommodate them?
    Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Louisville use a model of inclusion for students with special learning needs. Students with mild to moderate learning disabilities are enrolled in regular classrooms with strategic teaching methods and appropriate accommodations. A school Learning Coordinator works closely with teachers and parents to identify strategies, modifications and/or accommodations that can help a student with learning differences achieve success. St. Patrick is blessed to have two Learning Coordinators on staff.
  • Do you have after school care?
    Yes. St. Patrick contracts with the YMCA to provide on site after school care from dismissal time to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, please contact the Northeast YMCA at (502) 637-1575.
  • Do you have bus service?
    Yes. St. Patrick Catholic School contracts with Miller Transportation to provide bus service to our school families for an additional fee. This annual fee per family is determined by the number of families requesting bus transportation and the subsidy amount provided by the state. Routes and availability are determined by Miller Transportation. For more information, please call the school office at (502) 244-7083

St. Patrick Catholic School

1000 N. Beckley Station Rd.

Louisville, KY 40245



absentee line: 502-719-0371

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Monday - Friday    

7:45am - 2:45pm

Every Wednesday

Early Dismissal at 1:30pm

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